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I believe candidates for Congress need to NOT only campaign but to investigate the problems firsthand.  I traveled to Mexico, and visited a coffee shop owned by Russians.  There, serving coffee at the counter was a tall young blonde man in his early twenties.   It took me a while to get him to admit he was Russian and to have him open up, but this is his story.

" I came here to work in the coffee shop owned by some friends.  My family thought it may be a good idea for me to leave because of the war starting in Ukraine.  My grandmother recently told me that a post came telling me to report for military duty.   She said it is best to not come back to Russia right now.

When you report for duty, your family must buy your uniform and your weapon for you.  The more your family buys for you, the better your chance to survive.  We do not like the war and do not want the war, but when the government tells you to go, you must go."


Imagine being sent to fight against people who used to be in your country, and being required to buy your own uniforms and equipment when you reported in to duty.  There is ONE way only we can end this war without wasting YOUR money, or starting World War 3.   We MUST drill oil and collapse the price of oil so the Russians cannot afford to wage war, as oil is their lifeblood and they only invade and annex when oil prices are high.

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